Are you ready to take action?
Each of my Manifesting Groups and Workshops are designed to help you focus on what you really want to achieve and then help you move towards those desires.
I combine my experience as a business coach with my counseling + psychology background along with my skills as an intuitive Tarot reader to help my clients achieve clarity, create a solid plan and take action to manifest their ideal lives. By working in a group setting you’ll be part of an exclusive community in which you and the other members get the opportunity to learn from each other's challenges and successes. Another positive aspect is the possibility to form collaborations and extend your network. Group and Workshop members have been known to create strong support systems and lasting friendships.

Manifesting Your Ideal Life: 6-Week Program
This 6-Week Group focuses on helping people get clear on where they are in their lives now and where they want to be. When you choose to join the group, you'll how see the energy and movement of each person, especially your own, positively and significantly impacts your experience. The Program focuses on various aspects of life in areas such as LOVE, CAREER/BUSINESS, LIFE BALANCE, and CAREER TRANSITION.
Within the group each participant experiences a phenomenal amount of development towards clarifying and achieving goals. This growth, while felt spiritually and energetically, is also measurable and specific towards your goals.
How do you know if the 6-Week Manifesting Program is right for you?
-You've always been great at creating your life, but lately you feel “stuck”
-You don’t really know what you want to do with your life, you just know you don’t want to be where you are now
-You have dreams of creating a new business but don’t know how to start
-Other people around you seem to have more passion in what they are doing
-You can ‘t remember what excites you anymore
-You've been “working hard” in a career you love but you don’t seem to be progressing
-You know what you want and where you want to be in life, you just aren’t sure how to get there.
-You want a fully expressed life filled with love and passion
If any of these things resonate with you and you feel ready to start a new journey, then this is the PERFECT time to join the Program.
At the start of group, all my clients have felt some form of these things too.
Now? They can all tell you that they have created an exciting new reality for themselves.
My Clients Include:
*Attorneys * Artists * Actors * Writers * Entrepreneurs * Musicians
* Scientists * Sales and Marketing Execs * Business Coaches * Teachers *Talent Agents * TV Hosts * Directors * Producers * Teachers
* Wealth Advisors * Real Estate Agents and more…
Basically they are all amazing people who want to push their self created limits to go for MORE for their lives.
How it Works:
Group sessions are two-hours and held once a week.
During the 6 Week Sessions You Will:
-Find out what's blocking you from moving forward
- Receive personalized ACTION ITEMS based on your goals
- Participate in GROUP & INDIVIDUAL EXERCISES to open up your manifesting energy
-TRACK YOUR PROGRESS and receive clarification of next actions to be taken
- Receive a WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING to assess your status and energy of the week

The Cost for the 6 Week Group is $349
Contact me at (310) 916-9576 or email me at to find out when the next 6 Week Manifesting Group is starting